Did WWE commit mistake by letting go Ricochet?

WWE: Ricochet has been reportedly let go by the Stamford-based company. After giving a decent push to the athletic wrestler in the last few months, was it wise to leave him?

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Ricochet(Source: Google)

Did WWE commit mistake by letting go Ricochet? (Source: X)

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The latest reports have claimed WWE has turned its back on Ricochet. The athletic wrestler had a contract of 5 years with the company. As it came to an end, it was seen that Ricochet wanted the company to release him so that he could look out for opportunities elsewhere. Usually, wrestlers do not wish to go outside of WWE as it is the ultimate dream for them to be a part of it.

Whenever they demand a release, it is mostly due to the ignorance of the company itself. Some of the most talented wrestlers like Nic Nemeth, Mustafa Ali, Claudio Castagnoli, and others have been examples of good wrestlers having to move outside WWE as they did not get enough in the company. Ricochet seems to be in the same league.

In his long association with WWE, Ricochet was a former NXT Champion and an Intercontinental Champion. But after losing the IC title to Gunther, his presence in the company wasn't felt. It wasn't until February 2024 that he became relevant. Though his feud with Shinsuke Nakamura and Logan Paul was good, it did not do justice to the talent the star wrestler possessed.

Triple-threat feud with Ilja Dragunov and Bron Breakker cut off

While he is not the best on the mic, Ricochet is one of the best wrestlers with his in-ring talent. In the last few months, his curve has had an upper trend with some brilliant matches. Just when WWE seemed to be cooking with a potential triple-threat feud between him, Ilja Dragunov, and Bron Breakker, they seemed to have let him go for no benefit of theirs.

This feud could've been great. The fact that all three of them wrestle great and can have brilliant matches makes it tough to understand why WWE let go of Ricochet. A potential heel turn would also have gotten him a great deal. Unfortunately, it looks like WWE did not see the potential in him to be a great mid-carder, if not a top-card candidate for the future.

WWE Ilja Dragunov Bron Breakker Ricochet