Latest Valorant Patch accidentally buffs Neon’s mid-air accuracy

Patch 8.11 for Valorant adds an unintentional bug to Neon that buffs her mid-air accuracy while sliding to 100% shocking pros and fans alike.

New Update
Valorant Neon

Valorant Neon (Source - Riot Games)

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The latest Valorant patch 8.11 brought several buffs and nerfs to multiple underused agents and their abilities to improve their gameplay style and pick rate. The agents included Iso, Neon, Reyna, Raze and Clove.

However, it seems that an unintentional buff also made its way into the game for Neon. The buff in the talk is the 100% mid-air accuracy with her slide. This buff was revealed by a professional player for Sentinels, Zachary “zekken” Patrone. Using her High Gear (E) ability, zekken showcased the accuracy multiple times while sliding mid-air, which left many of his fans and other pros speechless in the comments.

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Riot Games working on a Fix

The Product Management Lead for Valorant at Riot Games, Coleman Palm, acknowledged that this was unintentional. However, Palm revealed that the development team is working on a fix as soon as possible and will likely come with other fixes in the next patch.

While it might sound quite strong, which is in the hands of pros, a situation like this isn’t likely to occur very often. Even if it did, players also need good aim to make use of this. As one of the fans said, “It’s funny cause 99% of players are never hitting this”.

This bug was likely an effect of one of the slide changes for Neon in the patch notes, which says, “Neon now removes all weapon movement error when sliding. This effectively means she’s more accurate while sliding”.

For the time being, players can try to have fun with this and if they do have a decent aim and can pull this off, it will make for some fun clips that will remain for a lifetime.