
What ifs series ft. WWE: Part 3 - What if Montreal Screwjob never happened?

WWE: Check out what would have happened if WWE's biggest controversy, Montreal Screwjob involving Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, and Vince McMahon, never took place, only on Sports Info.

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What ifs series ft. WWE: Part 3 - What if Montreal Screwjob never happened?

What ifs series ft. WWE: Part 3 - What if Montreal Screwjob never happened? (Source: X)

Montreal Screwjob is one of the most controversial moments in the history of WWE to date. There are different opinions from all three parties involved in the incident (Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, and Vince McMahon). Till date, the fans and the critics are split over the incident. It is time to look at the consequences of the Montreal Screwjob never taking place.

To know why the incident was controversial, one must know what transpired behind the scenes. Around Survivor Series 1997, Bret Hart was WWE's biggest star and the world champion. However, he got an offer from WCW and signed it. Since he was the world champion, it was difficult to bid adieu without a proper end.

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Vince McMahon thought the best way to take his reign over was none other than HBK. However, given the past between Bret and Shawn where they were not the best of friends, Hart decided to not hand over the title to Michaels. Hence, Vince came up with a plan unaware of both Shawn and Bret.

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The former WWE Boss ensured to get the referees on his page to deviate from the script. In theory, Bret was set to retain the title of Shawn. But in reality, the referees were instructed to ensure a pinfall without Hart's knowledge. As it transpired, the incident became Wrestling's most controversial event.

However, did it have a positive or a negative impact on WWE? The answer is, that it had a huge positive impact on WWE. After Vince went against Bret, he became a kind of toxic boss. Fans hated him to the core and loved to see him getting beaten.

That's how Stone Cold Steve Austin came to the equation. He had a feud with Vince for a long time where he beat the hell out of Vince more often than not. The Rock further emerged as the top heel. The trio, together, ensured WWE was at its peak. If the Montreal Screwjob never happened, the Attitude Era might not have been born.

Bret Hart Shawn Michaels WWE Vince McMahon