Top heel vs heel matches in WWE history

WWE: There are instances where two heels produced classic matches when they faced each other. Such matches were received well by the fans. Here are some such top matches.

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Usually, heel vs heel or face vs face concepts are disregarded in wrestling. The fact that the crowd loves to boo the heel and cheer for the face does well for both wrestlers. There are instances when such feuds actually turn out to be brilliant with great matches. Most of them involve a great story and good character development from the individuals. 

The fans loved it too, as they got to see two heels at their best. There is nothing like two heels taking on each other to produce a classic. Some of the best matches in the history of the company have been against two heels. Over the years, fans have been lucky enough to witness such matches.

Here are the top matches between two heels in the history of WWE:

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Trish Stratus vs Stephanie McMahon (No Way Out 2001)


Trish Stratus and Stephanie McMahon faced each other in No Way Out 2001 following the love angle between Stratus and Vince McMahon. Due to the inexperience of both wrestlers, the match was based more on the story than the in-ring skills. The match had some good moments and Stephanie ended up being the winner with a bit of help from William Regal. 

Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels (Survivor Series 1997)


The match between Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels is infamous for the controversy around it. The Montreal Screwjob changed the company forever on a good note. But as a match, it was good, as both wrestlers gave one of their best performances. Both played their characters well and from the start, there was a brawl which resulted in some great moments.

Shawn Michaels vs Rick Martel (SummerSlam 1992)


Shawn Michaels is known for his ability to deliver great matches. Back in the early 1990s, the company started to push Shawn as a heel following his implosion with Marty Jannetty to end The Rockers. Rick Martel one of the top heels of the time, was designated as his first major heel opponent in the Summerslam 1992. The match was brilliant with both of them delivering big time.

Brock Lesnar vs Test (King of the Ring 2002)


In the early part of his career, Brock Lesnar had a great push. He grabbed them with both hands and quickly rose through the ranks. In the King of the Ring tournament 2002, he faced Test for the crown. The match was brief but had fun elements in it. The Beast beat Test to enter the final of the tournament where he beat Rob Van Dam to become the King of the Ring.

Roman Reigns vs Seth Rollins (Royal Rumble 2022) 


The match between Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns was more of a mental battle than a physical battle. It was as if Seth played the character of the Joker against Roman with his mind games. The match had a brilliant story and chemistry between the duo and it ended with a disqualification. To date, Seth has an upper hand over his former Shield mate.

Brock Lesnar vs Daniel Bryan (Survivor Series 2018)


In the Survivor Series 2018, Brock Lesnar and Daniel Bryan delivered a fantastic match. Bryan won the World title in 2018 and turned heel for the first time in 6 years. He defended the title against Lesnar in an epic match. Both delivered a great match and played the character of heels so well that fans were behind them. In a must-win game for Bryan, Brock ended up being the winner.

Triple H vs Kurt Angle (Royal Rumble 2001)


Triple H and Kurt Angle were the top heels of the company along with The Rock in the Attitude Era. The duo was involved in a love triangle with Stephanie McMahon. Angle won the WWE Championship and defended it in Royal Rumble 2001. Both wrestlers delivered a great match with some cool moves. Angle ended up winning the match before losing the title a month later.

Randy Orton vs Edge (Raw: April 30, 2007)


Randy Orton and Edge were the top heels of the company in the Ruthless Aggression Era. In 2007, the duo were tag partners and fought D-Generation X. As they wanted to be the world champions, the duo turned against each other and fought on Raw. The crowd supported Randy as Edge was not too liked. But it was the Rated R Superstar who claimed the win.

The Shield vs The Wyatt Family (Elimination Chamber 2014)


The Shield and The Wyatt Family took on each other in the Elimination Chamber 2014. It gave a massive boost to each member in their career. It seemed as if the Shield's face turn was evident among the fans which led to them supporting the faction. It was the Wyatt Family that emerged victorious in what is regarded as one of the best heel vs heel matches of all time.

Owen Hart vs Davey Boy Smith (Raw: February 26, 1997)


Owen Hart was one of the top heels of his time. In 1997, the concept of the European Championship was introduced for the first time. Hart and Davey Boy Smith took on each other in the final. The two brother-in-law delivered a great match with great heel work. Davey beat Hart to become the champion. While the fans expected Owen to attack Smith, it did not happen.

Shawn Michael Edge Daniel Bryan Seth Rollins Roman Reigns Randy Orton WWE