Ahead of the Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations in India, fans recreated India's T20 World Cup 2024 victory lap, which happened in Mumbai, but with a twist. This time, they made Ganpati Bappa's idol, holding the trophy along with Rohit Sharma by the idol's side. Moreover, it wasn't Rohit in real life; it was just a paper cut-out of the skipper standing next to the idol.
It was a mesmerizing moment for the people to see Bappa coming in on a bus holding the trophy, just like the Rohit Sharma-led team did two months back. This gesture by the fans showed their love for the game and what that World Cup trophy meant for the Indians. After the crushing defeat in the ODI World Cup 2023 final, the winning moment in the T20 World Cup 2024 did take away the heartbreak experienced by each Indian.
Watch the video here:
Fans made a beautiful frame of Ganpati Bappa holding the T20I World Cup Trophy with Rohit Sharma. ❤️
— Johns. (@CricCrazyJohns) September 6, 2024
- Video of the Day.....!!!!! pic.twitter.com/7l0UpOQPyx
Ganesh Chaturthi is on September 7 and is celebrated across the country for ten days. People place idols of Ganapati Bappa all around different cities and then worship him. At the end of the last day, the idols are emersed in water resources to bid farewell to Bappa with the hope of seeing him next year.
Also Watch: Indian team's winning parade following T20 World Cup win starts towards iconic Wankhede stadium
India's next assignment starts on September 19 against Bangladesh
Bangladesh will be touring India for a 2-match Test series in September after a gap of 40 days. Cricket fans are eagerly waiting to watch the Indian team back in action. The Test series will be a part of the World Test Championship (WTC) 2025 cycle, which will make it important for both teams. Moreover, Bangladesh are in stunning form after whitewashing Pakistan in their own backyard.
The star Indian players will come together to play against the mighty Bangladesh team starting on September 19. The game will be extremely interesting for the teams and the fans as well. Rohit Sharma will lead India in the series, and senior players like Virat Kohli and Jasprit Bumrah are expected to take part in it.