Nathan Frazer and Axiom defend their tag team title against AOP thanks to special help

WWE: The NXT Tag team champions Axiom and Nathan Frazer successfully defended their title against AOP. The odds were evened as the New Catch Republic came to the aid of the champions.

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Nathan Frazer and Axiom successfully defended their tag team championship against AOP in the latest episode of NXT. The duo seemed to be done and dusted at one point in the match when AOP had the upper hand. The match was all about speed vs Strength. It was clear what was the dominant force in the arena. While speed was good to see, strength was ruthless.

AOP dominated the match for the most part. They initially took on Axiom and tired him out forcing him to look to make a tag. Frazer was waiting for his opportunity to have a go at the Final Testament. After taking a lot of beating, Axiom finally tagged Nathan. It led to the glory moment for Frazer who took out the entire team of the Final Testament. 

The momentum helped the tag team champions to regain their control over the match. AOP did try to gain momentum but in vain. The crowd cheered for the champions and wanted them to win. The duo of Nathan Frazer and Axiom looked to end the game when Karrion Kross and Scarlett tried to distract the duo of Frazer and Axiom. The referee got involved in the act.

The New Catch Republic assists the tag champions

Karrion and Scarlett were unhappy with the fact that the referee did not see the tag partners taking out the AOP duo at the same time. They tried to intervene in the match. It seemed like the tag champions were up against the entire Final Testament. However, little did they know that a tag team had their back. The New Catch Republic came to their aid from nowhere.

The crowd went crazy as Tyler Bate and Pete Dunne assisted the tag champions. The duo took out AOP as the referee was in conversation with Kross. As Axiom kicked their opponents, Frazer pinned to claim a win. The Final Testament was unhappy with the intervention of the New Catch Republic. As both are drafted to Raw, we could see them settling the deal in the next week.