Timeless Toni Storm beats Serena Deeb to defend her title

Pro Wrestling: In Double or Nothing, there was a physical match between Toni Storm and Serena Deeb. In the end, the AEW Women's Champion had the last laugh.

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Toni Storm (Source: X)

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Toni Storm and Serena Deeb had a fiery match with each other on AEW Double or Nothing. In the end, Toni emerged victorious to defend her title. The physical match involved both wrestlers going at each other with everything they possibly had. In the promos leading to the match, Deeb had promised to deliver the best match in the history of the women's division.

Storm and Serena Deeb came close to what they had promised. It was a great match and the crowd was involved in it. Their reaction summed up how good a match it was. Mariah May constantly came to the support of her mentor and helped her to be in the match every now and then. Deeb had to overcome the might of Timeless Toni who just showed why she's the best in the business.

While Storm's mic skills are top notch, her in-ring skills barring the finisher are great. She worked with Deeb and tried to put her opponent out if competition soon. Serena hung in the match despite the odds against her. She countered some vicious blows from Toni and stayed alive. The challenger put on a show and gave arguably her best performance in recent times.

Storm zero and a pinfall for win

As usual, Storm and May had their antics in the ring and swayed away Deeb with them. For a moment, it seemed as if Toni would be dominant. But Serena quickly returned to the match and took on the champion. Blows were clipped and exchanged between the duo and the commentators went crazy. The match was a dark horse in the entire night of Double or Nothing.

Storm was the favorite to win the match and she lived up to the expectations. Her aura and in-ring skills are unmatched in the women's division. As expected, she claimed an impressive win. Toni delivered Storm Zero and claimed a win via pinfall. She later hugged May and celebrated her massive win. The crowd sung for her win and were impressed by the match.

AEW Double or Nothing Toni Storm