Vanguard anti cheat for Valorant also works on console MnK abusers

Players who plan on using Mouse and Keyboard inside Valorant console are also not safe as latest news reveal that Vanguard anti cheat is handing bans to MnK abusers.

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Valo Vanguard

Vanguard Anit-Cheat also bans MnK users on consoles

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Beta for the Valorant console started recently and players have nothing but praise for the console port, telling how great it is to play on a controller. Players will now be impressed more after finding out that the Mouse and Keyboard abusers in Valorant are also receiving a ban hammer from Vanguard.

The use of a Mouse and Keyboard through third-party software is one of the most popular for of exploits in console games. This software tries to pass MnK as a controller, allowing players to gain aim assist while having a much better aiming experience.

Vanguard stays consistent

For those who do not know, Riot Games recently announced the Valorant console during the summer game fest, with the beta going live starting June 14. While players were excited after the announcement, many were worried about MnK users that could potentially ruin the game for the community.

Thankfully, Riot’s anti-cheat for Valorant, Vanguard, not only stops the cheaters on PC, but it is also effective for cheaters on consoles. The clip showcases a person using Mouse and Keyboard as an input and repeatedly across multiple attempts.

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Regardless of anything, fans have praised Riot Games for their consistency against cheaters. Vanguard is already considered one of the best anti-cheat. It was recently implemented inside League of Legends too and saw immediate results with thousands of bans across the board.

For those still unaware, Valorant Beta is now live and players can register for a chance to gain access to the game. The game allows cross-inventory, meaning if you have an account on PC and get access to the console beta, you can use the cosmetics in there too. Even if you are not lucky enough to get access, anyone else who got beta access can invite five more players. Meaning, your friend can also get you an invite.
