Latest Iso rework seems to be frustrating Valorant community

Valorant players have found that the Latest patch have made Iso an OP agent that can survive a full scale enemy attack on good hands using his shield.

New Update

Valorant community calls Iso broken after latest update

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Valorant Patch 8.11 brought a lot of changes to multiple characters, including one of the most underused agents, Iso. The changes done were aimed at increasing his viability inside the game while also keeping a great balance.

However, the recent changes seem to have the Valorant community up in arms and made Iso one of the most hated agents, especially for players who are unable to counter his shield which can apparently be reapplied after each kill.

In a recent clip on X, a professional Valorant player for NRG, Demon1, showcased how broken the character is in the hands of even a decent player. The clip shows him surviving an onslaught of enemy fire, including two headshots due to Iso’s shield.

Valorant community voices their frustration

The way Iso’s shield works is quite simple, it protects the player from getting damaged from the first bullet, including any operator shot or headshot. This means that in a fight between two players going for a headshot, Iso will likely win the fight and will have his shield recast.

Also Read: Valorant Patch 8.11 set to nerf two agents with the highest pick rate

Players across social media platforms are now calling the agent broken and asking Riot Games to deal with the situation. “I'm starting to believe people worried about the wrong agent getting buffed to the point of being broken”, one player said.

Some suggested that Iso should get half of the damage while he has a shield, while others argued that players will still have an advantage. A few days back, another pro revealed a bug with another agent, Neon, where her mid-air slide while on High Gear (E) ability had 100% accuracy.

While the developers have revealed that this mid-air accuracy was indeed unintentional and will be fixed in an upcoming patch, they are yet to respond to the Iso situation. The changes do seem to be working as intended, and these types of plays might only be possible for players with good aim, so it may be possible that no changes are made to the agent.
