Ahri ban rate skyrockets with new LoL 'Hall of Legends' Faker bundle

LoL players have now started to ban Ahri so that players who purchase the Immortalized Legend skin for $400 will not be able to use it during the match.

New Update
Ahri LoL

Play show frustration by banning Ahri

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Following the community outcry from League of Legends fans, players have seemingly started boycotting the Immortalized Legend Ahri skin that can cost players over $400 to purchase. The majority of the community expressed their frustration, but it was quite clear that a lot of whales would likely purchase the new bundle and the cycle would continue.

Ahri ban rate skyrockets

However, it seems that the community has found their own way to boycott Riot Games. Multiple websites have shown the ban rate for Ahri can reach up to 24%. For comparison, prior to this overpriced bundle, the ban rate was around 8% as Ahri is quite a popular pick for many.

Lolalytics currency shows the average ban rate at 19.5% while the peak ban rate has touched 23.7% in the last few days. Another website u.gg Ahri reached the 16th spot on the ban rate with 19.3% and while not the highest, this jump shows how dedicated some players can be to the game of love.

Ban Rate 1


Ban Rate 2

Fans not happy with League’s direction

This frustration is also quite understandable, especially after Riot Games tried to justify the cost, saying the price will help cover the cost of esports and is for players who spend over $200 on their hobby each month.

Also Read: Riot Games Tries to Defend $450 Faker Signature Ahri Skin

The bundle was introduced as a celebration of League of Legends superstar Lee “Faker” Sang-hyeok's induction into the Hall of Legends for his achievements and success in the league community. Players feel that monetizing cosmetics on Faker’s name when the Unkillable Demon King himself refrains from using these types of cosmetics.

It is unknown how long this push and pull between the players and Riot Games will remain, as the devs do not seem to be budging from their stance. This has further created tension among the LoL fans that the company might try something similar for other Players that will be named in the Hall of Legends, although not as outrageous as Faker’s Immortal Ahri.


