LoL fans slam Riot Games for overpriced Faker signature Ahri bundle

Riot Games once again in hot water after announcing the Ahri Signature Immortalized Legend Collection to celebrate Faker's addition to Hall of Legends.

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Ahri Legend (Source - League of Legends YT)

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Recently, Riot Games announced Faker as the first inductee to the Hall of Legends for League of Legend, which was greatly celebrated among fans. However, this all took a turn when Riot Games announced the new cosmetic bundles

In ordered to celebrate Fakers’ addition to Hall of Legends, Riot Games added Ahri and LeBlanc bundles. While the starter bundles are reasonably priced, the one with Faker’s signature have an absurd price of $400 slapped over it, and it doesn’t even have a figurine for Faker or Ahri which have left fans fuming.

The Hall of Legends pass alone is priced at 1,950 Riot Points (RP) and there are three Ahri bundles players can get that also have the HoL pass alongside Various Ahri cosmetics and emotes. Here are the prices for Ahri bundle.

Risen Legend Collection - 5,430 RP

Immortalized Legend Collection - 32,430 RP

Signature Immortalized Legend Collection - 59,260 RP

Ahri Legend Collection

It’s over $400!!

The cost of purchasing the 13500 RP bundle is $100 for players in North America meaning they have to purchase the pack four times and them some extra RP to get the signature bundle. As expected, fans cannot wrap their heads around the pricing of these bundles. Some even called it downright scummy and corporate greed in the name of legends like Faker.

The situation is also quite funny as Faker is already known to be one of the few players against spending in cosmetics. “The dude literally doesn’t even use skins,” one of the fans said. Many fans suggested that the best to make out of this is to get the Risen Legend Collection, which will get the  Hall of Legends pass, from which players can grind other rewards.

Another thing to remember is that there will be more addition to Hall of Legends, in-fact, Riot Games have reportedly started voting on the second inductee for Hall of Legends. This means that there will likely be more of these bundles, even if the price may differ.