John Cena and Nikki Bella's nude video has gone viral, which was shot back in 2017 when they were in a relationship and out of WWE. The former power couple posted a video on YouTube celebrating the event of their channel crossing over 500k subscribers. While John believed it was not a good idea, Nikki felt it was indeed a great idea and went for it.
Nikki Bella and John claimed they were ready to give themselves to the subscribers while the latter believed it was not a good idea. However, as Nikki wanted them to go nude, Cena agreed. The duo got rid of the poster in which they carried numbers '500' and '000' respectively to represent the number of subscribers they gained till then. The duo started to remove their clothes one by one.
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John Cena took his T-shirt off. Nikki took her robe off. The duo removed their undergarments and threw them to the sky. Nikki celebrated the moment with John who did not seem as excited. The duo sang and danced together as they celebrated their success. The video has gone viral on X, Instagram, and other social media platforms amidst the divorce reports of Nikki.
Also Check: Fans react to Nikki Bella's potential divorce from Artem Chigvintsev
Nikki Bella's relationship with John Cena
The star wrestler is likely to separate from her husband based on the domestic violence allegations. The reports have taken the internet by storm and the fans are claiming it was an unfortunate incident. Some remembered the past relationship of Cena with Bella. The duo had a story with each other in WWE while they were in a relationship outside.
Many claimed them to be a great couple when they were in a relationship with each other. However, things did not go well with the duo as their preferences were different. John did not want to have a child while Nikki was hoping otherwise. Hence, they decided to make a move away from each other. While Nikki married Artem Chigvintsev, Cena married Shay Shariatzadeh. Their fans wished to see them be in a relationship together.