
Drew McIntyre beats CM Punk in dramatic SummerSlam match involving Seth Rollins as guest referee

WWE: Drew McIntyre beat CM Punk at SummerSlam. The match involved a lot of heated moments as Seth Rollins tried to exert his dominance before Drew had the last laugh.

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Drew McIntyre beats CM Punk in dramatic SummerSlam match involving Seth Rollins as guest referee

Drew McIntyre beats CM Punk in dramatic SummerSlam match involving Seth Rollins as guest referee (Source: X)

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Drew McIntyre avenged CM Punk by beating him at SummerSlam. The match turned out to be nothing short of cinema as egos from three different ends met each other and led to great moments. In the end, Drew pinned Punk and took the bracelet to stand tall. The booking seemed brilliant as McIntyre finally had one instance of overcoming Punk.

Seth entered the Cleveland arena for SummerSlam with a unique guest referee outfit. Drew entered the arena as a man on a mission. He waited for the bell to ring to take on Punk. Fans welcomed Punk with his chants. Seth dominated the match with his instructions throughout. He stopped Drew and Punk to have a brawl even before the match could start.

As soon as the bell rang, CM Punk and Drew went against each other. Seth was just having fun out in the middle. At one stage he slept on the ringside and watched the two fight. With each punch and blow shared by Drew and Punk, Seth let out his iconic laughs. The fans chanted "This is Awesome" and gave their approval for the match. Punk kicked out at one on many instances, leaving Drew frustrated.

CM Punk indirectly gets screwed by Seth Rollins

Drew McIntyre got a steel chair in his hand and asked Rollins to permit him to hit Punk. As Drew tried to hit Punk, Seth took away the weapon leading to frustration. Punk went for a pinfall but Seth's focus was somewhere else. Neither Punk nor Drew could do anything about Seth. Punk delivered a hat-trick of running knees and a vicious Clothesline to McIntyre. He blew a kiss to Seth and delivered a big elbow to McIntyre.

As Drew kicked out at two, Punk took out the bracelet Drew was wearing. Punk met with a Claymore but was kicked out at two. Rollins took the bracelet and wore it on his arm. As Punk tried to deliver a 'Go to Sleep', he saw Seth Rollins wearing the bracelet. It irked Punk who confronted Seth. Punk kicked Rollins out of the ring and delivered a 'Go to Sleep' to Drew. But Rollins wasn't there to count the pinfall.

By the time Seth came, Drew kicked out at two. Punk was unhappy with it and confronted Seth. The visionary claimed it was his ring and everything went as per his wish. Punk went for a GTS and ensured Rollins went unconscious. Drew took advantage of the situation and delivered a low blow. He executed Claymore and picked a victory via pinfall.

Summerslam Seth Rollins cm punk WWE Drew McIntyre