AJ Styles devastates Cody Rhodes with a false retirement

Basketball: AJ Styles celebrated around the ring with Rhodes, who raised his arms, but Styles eventually revealed his true intentions and clotheslined Rhodes.

Varun Sarwate
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AJ Styles and Cody Rhodes (Source: X)

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Things haven't been going AJ Styles' way lately, but it hasn't stopped him from delivering memorable performances in the ring, even when he loses. That sparked a conversation between Styles and Nick Aldis, and Styles made a clear choice tonight, suggesting that he was thinking about retiring. That was a recurring topic throughout the program, culminating in the last part, in which he made it clear that he was leaving to spend more time with his family.

He then brought out Cody Rhodes and informed him that he had produced one of his favorite bouts of his career, but things took a turn when Styles violently attacked Rhodes and made it obvious that he was not leaving. He then destroyed Rhodes and delivered a brutal Styles Clash to end SmackDown.

Styles approached the ring and stated, "I gotta tell you, I've been thinking about what Nick Aldis said over the last week. I've reflected on it. If I wanted another shot at Cody Rhodes for the title, I'd have to go to the back of the line. He's doing his job, I understand, and I've been thinking about it all week, and to be honest, I simply can't do it at this stage in my career.

Styles is certainly not retiring from WWE

At this stage in my life, I just cannot do so. I've been doing this for almost two decades. I've been breaking my body in these rings. Blood, sweat, and tears from all around the world, you best believe it.

AJ Styles celebrated around the ring with Rhodes, who raised his arms, but Styles eventually revealed his true intentions and clotheslined Rhodes. The Good Brothers held security at bay as Styles crushed Rhodes, smashing him into the steel steps and then the barrier before delivering a Styles Clash down the stairs and into the floor. So Styles is certainly not retiring, and a rematch is likely to occur sooner rather than later. 

WWE Cody Rhodes AJ Styles