Novak Djokovic seen practicing for Wimbledon; What are the chances of him playing the Grand Slam?

Novak Djokovic is seen practicing at Wimbledon for the upcoming Grand Slam event this season. Still fighting fitness battles after knee surgery. Will he be fit enough to participate?

Aiman Sharma
New Update

Novak Djokovic (Source- X)

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There have been plenty of legends who have gone on to win Wimbledon this season and have made a huge name for themselves. One of the players that comes to our mind is none other than Novak Djokovic himself, who was probably the best player on grass after Roger Federer.  The Serbian was one of the dominant players in this Grand Slam as he has gone on to win 7 titles and has had some of the best matches possible.

We all know that Novak Djokovic is a living legend and has currently won the most Grand Slams among the ATP players, However, this season has not been the best for the 24-time champion as he has gone titleless and his knee injury was enough to get him out of the game for some time. Djokovic has already gone through surgery and though has been recovering well, his chances of playing this season still look slim.

Djokovic seen training

We all had thought that this would be the time when Djoker Nole would not be seen in the Grand Slam event due to his injury, but he surprised everyone when he chose to travel to Wimbledon and still keep his chances alive. The 37-year-old also mentioned that he will still try his best to get fit enough to play and was even seen training recently. Though it is not 100% confirmed that he will be playing this season, it does not look like he is going to give up so easily at all. We could still see him with a brace on the court which might indicate that he has not fully recovered, but it will still be interesting to see how far can he go.

This might be one of the bravest things Djokovic has done and though it will be great to see him compete for his 8th Wimbledon title and 25th Grand Slam overall, we have to think practically about his chances of playing. We applaud the spirit of the Serbian, but his chances of playing a full Grand Slam tournament still do not look possible looking at his current fitness standards.

Novak Djokovic Wimbledon