
Gamers take stand against scalpers with fake RTX 5090 listings

Gamers are fighting back against scalpers by creating fake RTX 5090 listings which is selling an image of a GPU for sale. Check out the entire process at sportsinfo

New Update
Nvidia RTX 5090

Fake RTX 5090 listing spotted to scam scalper bots

Almost a week after launch, the Nvidia RTX 5090 is still one of the rarest pieces of hardware. This is thanks to scalpers swooping almost every card available on launch using bots. Although, there were reportedly not many to begin with. This has left people to take some harsh measures, putting up fake advertisements to trick these bots.


Multiple posts have now surfaced with people posting fake advertisements for the RTX 5090 graphics card. The morality of this remains questionable but these posting aims to trap bots used by scalpers to swoop GPUs on MRP. However, instead of an RTX 5090, it offers an image of the GPU with hopes of a bot making the purchase.

Scalpers are usually looking for GPUs selling on MRP and make purchases to sell them at a higher price after making artificial scarcity. These fake listings aim to work as a reverse scam to have scalpers spend money on nothing.

GPU buyers advised to read all listings

In general, these GPU listings for RTX 5090 usually mention that people are purchasing an image. People are even advised to read descriptions for these posts to avoid getting duped. It is a great idea to get into the details before making any regular purchase.

“The GeForce RTX 5090 is a TOP of the LINE Gaming Graphics Card. With this purchase, you will receive a beautiful picture of the 5090 and nothing more! Let's make these scalpers get scalped by purchasing a picture of the RTX 5090!” one of the fake listings read.

Also Read: Nvidia RTX 5090 and 5080 sold out in under a minute after launch

Is the fake listing working against GPU scalpers?

Apart from a few claims, there aren’t many claims about people reporting success through these methods. Even if people did, it’s best to not post about scamming someone in general. The RTX 5090 is expected to see a restock in the next few weeks so people looking to buy are advised to try their luck in the next wave.
