Ethan Page attacks Trick Williams and reveals person behind attack on Noam Dar and Ora Mensah

WWE: The person behind the attack on Ora Mensah and Noam Dar has been finally revealed. Ethan Page attacked Trick Williams after his match against Gallus.

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Ethan Page

Ethan Page (Source: X)

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Ethan Page attacked Lash Legend and Trick Williams after the main event match on NXT. Trick and Je'Von Evans settled deal with Gallus after the faction attacked them last week on NXT. The duo performed well in a brief match and showed good chemistry. With a bit of a help from Sexy Red, the duo of Evans and Williams got past the Gallus.

After the match, Lash Legend came to the arena and gave a stare at Sexy Red. As Red and Evans moved out of the arena, Legend asked Trick once again to confirm if he was behind the attack on Noam Dar and Ora Mensah. The question has been asked for a while now. A couple of weeks back, Noam was attacked by an undisclosed person. 

As Mensah and Legend were upset by it, Dar was on the strecther in the recovery process. The obvious doubts went on Trick who was hit by Dar. Despite the NXT Champion denying it, they doubted him. Earlier the night, it was found out that even Ora was attacked by someone. The mystery grew among the fans regarding the potential attacker. 

Ethan Page attacks Lash Legend and Trick Williams

During the main event match, Evans and Trick showed their athletic moves and brute strength respectively. Gallus could not do anything about the duo and ended up losing the match. When Lash and Trick were having a conversation about the attack on Noam and Ora, in came Ethan Page and started to attack Trick. He first punched both Lash and Williams. There was a repeated attack on Trick.

Ethan put an end to all doubts. He claimed that it was him who attacked Noam and Ora. Trick was surprised to see that. Page recently signed a contract with WWE and appeared on NXT. As the crowd chanted "Whoop that Trick", Page acknowledged it and whooped Trick. In the upcoming week, Lash and the rest of the members of the faction would be hoping to ask explanation from Page for his move. 

WWE Trick Williams Je'Von Evans Gallus