
WATCH: Frankie Kazarian wins the Call Your Shot Gauntlet at TNA Bound for Glory

Pro Wrestling: TNA Bound for Glory 2024 started with Frankie Kazarian was the first while AJ Francis was the last to enter. Frankie Kazarian ultimately delivered a perfect low blow and won.

Varun Sarwate
New Update
Frankie Kazarian

Frankie Kazarian (Source: X)

Recently, TNA Wrestling has been receiving even more exposure, and fans had a lot to appreciate at Bound for Glory 2024. Even the preshow began with a big bout, and the event was held in the Wayne State Fieldhouse in Detroit, Michigan. The Call Your Shot Gauntlet's competitors were Frankie Kazarian, AJ Francis, Sami Callihan, Laredo Kid, Jake Something, Jason Hotch, and other unidentified contestants at the Bound for Glory 2024 preshow. AJ Francis was the last to enter, while Frankie Kazarian was the first.


The Call Your Shot Gauntlet is an intergender wrestling competition that is a variant of the Gauntlet for the Gold. This implies that submission or pinfall can be used by either a male or a woman to win. With the condition that they have one year to cash in on their title shot, the gauntlet winner receives a trophy as part of their reward and a future title shot of their choosing.

Zachary Wentz entered the battle as the second entrant after Frankie Kazarian kicked off. Every two minutes after that, additional competitors entered the gauntlet. Trey Miguel's fourth-place finish certainly helped liven things up, while Jake Something's next-place finish slowed things down a little.

Watch the video here:

Frankie Kazarian started the contest

It was advantageous for Jake Something to have his tag team partner in the ring when Hammerstone entered it next. Laredo Kid followed Rohit Raju as he went inside. Then, to add some spice, Sami Callihan entered the bout.  Zachary Wentz entered as the second player after Frankie Kazarian started the contest. Then, every two minutes, additional people joined the gauntlet. The following competitor, Jake Something, caused a slight slowdown in their progress, but Trey Miguel's fourth-place finish really helped things pick up speed.

Many individuals were killed by AJ Francis, and Rhino and Frankie Kazarian were ultimately responsible. Rhino eliminated AJ Francis in third place, and he was not pleased about it. Kaz ultimately delivered a perfect low blow and won. Even though this victory was contentious, Kaz won, and he now has a championship bout assured.
