NXT copy? Katsuyori Shibata and Hook double pin Bryan Keith to become Chris Jericho's challengers

Pro Wrestling: Katsuyori Shibata and Hook claimed win against Bryan Keith to become double contenders for FTW Championship. In Double or Nothing, the triple threat match will decide the winners.

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AEW (Source: X)

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Katsuyori Shibata and Hook double-pinned Bryan Keith in the triple threat match to be the challengers for Chris Jericho in Double or Nothing. The match was set to take place as all three participants had their claim as challengers to the FTW title. Hence, a triple threat match was arranged to determine the number one contender for Y2J in the upcoming PLE.

The match was different from a normal triple-threat match. Usually, a wrestler would take on the other almost ignoring the third in various phases. But this match concentrated on all three wrestlers in the frame. It increased the intensity of the match and was entertaining to watch. Initially, Shibata and Hook tried to take out Keith. After a few minutes, all three went against each other.

There were some fun moments. All three of them delivered duplexes one after another to each other which was a bit funny. It was good and the fans were invested in it well. Chris Jericho was in the commentary box to watch his contender. To his annoyance, he got two competitors for Double or Nothing. Both Hook and Shibata double-pinned Bryan to emerge as the challengers to the FTW title.

Similar story to NXT

The entire lead-up to the triple-threat match seems to be similar to NXT. Oba Femi got his North American Championship title contenders through a similar triple-threat match. In AEW, it isn't any different. In NXT, Ivar, Josh Briggs, and Wes Lee had their say on the title. It is similar in AEW, as Shibata, Hook, and Bryan had their reasons for the title.

In NXT, the match had two winners both of whom pinned the other competitor. Likewise, the FTW title contenders had winners both of whom pinned the other competitor. The fans are claiming that the story of AEW is inspired by NXT. Oba will defend his title against Coffey and Lee in NXT Battleground. Jericho will defend his title against Shibata and Hook in Double or Nothing.

NXT Oba Femi AEW Josh Briggs Chris Jericho Hook Dynamite Double or Nothing Wes Lee