International Champion Will Ospreay sets eye on AEW Champion Swerve Strickland after beating Rey Fenix on AEW Dynamite

Pro Wrestling: Will Ospreay successfully defended his International Championship against Rey Fenix on the main event of AEW Dynamite. He was later confronted by Swerve Strickland.

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International Champion Will Ospreay sets eye on AEW Champion Swerve Strickland after beating Rey Fenix on Dynamite

International Champion Will Ospreay sets eye on AEW Champion Swerve Strickland after beating Rey Fenix on AEW Dynamite (Source: X)

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Will Ospreay defended his International Championship against Rey Fenix. In the latest episode of Dynamite, the champion was set to defend his title against Rey Fenix in the main event od the night. Rey was aware of the challenge he was up against. The match turned out to he good as it involved two wrestlers with different styles of wrestling. The fans loved it.

No wrestler had an upper hand over each other throughout the match. Fenix delivered a good performance as usual and got the acknowledgement from the crowd. For a brief period, it seemed like he could potentially threaten Will for the title. But an ever impressive Will Ospreay showed why he's one of the best wrestlers in the current roster of the company. He rode on the momentum and did not look back.

Rey tried his best to win the match. But Ospreay was a bit too good for him.  Towards the end moments, there were thrilling moments, as Will delivered a spring board and an Oscutter. While Rey Fenix blocked it, Ospreay came with suplex and connected the Oscutter. Rey delivered a Hurricana and tried to pin the champion. But Will kicked out at two.

Will Ospreay vs Swerve Strickland faceoff

Rey attempted a Superkick and a rolling thunder. But Will countered them with Hidden Blade. He claimed a win via pinfall to stand tall. As the match ended, in came Swerve Strickland. The fans went crazy and chanted the name of both the wrestlers. Will offered a shake hand to the AEW World Champion which was denied. Strickland claimed Ospreay to be an immature little child.

Swerve said that Will was not good enough to carry the world by himself and regarded him to be not strong enough. In no time, Will yanked the title off Strickland and carried both the International and the AEW titles on either of his shoulders. A frightened Strickland took back his title and whispered in the ears of Will that he was lucky to be a friend and escaped his wrath.

AEW Will Ospreay Dynamite Swerve Strickland