Reports: Hansi Fllck likeky to succeed Xavi in Barcelona

The media reports also understood that Barca’s Sporting Director Deco, alongside Bojan Krkic, met Hansi Flick in London; however, a confirmation is still awaited on the same

Umesh Sharma
New Update
Xavi and Hansi Flick (File Photo: Internet)

Xavi and Hansi Flick (File Photo: Internet)

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In a recent piece of news, the media reports have learned that the former Bayern Munich manager Hansi Flick is likely to take charge as head coach of Barcelona. The reports are airing after a lot of rumours around the controversy in the Catalan club following some unexpected statements from the current head coach Xavi.

Coming back to Hansi, currently, he is being considered as one of the frontrunners in the race of contention for the position of Barca’s head coach. Meanwhile, some other reports also understood that Barca’s Sporting Director Deco, alongside Bojan Krkic, met Hansi in London; however, these claims haven’t been confirmed by any outlet.

The other two names in contention besides Hansi are Rafa Marquez and Thomas Tuchel. Thiago Motta who was reportedly approached is looking quite closer to roping in with the Juventus.

Here's what happened in the Xavi-Barca controversy

The entire controversy started after the statements Xavi came up with, ahead of the La Liga game against Almeria. Xavi’s comments on the club didn’t go down well with Laporta and the other Board officials as well.

“We are going to try to compete against Madrid. I think that the cule must understand that the situation is very difficult. Above all, on an economic level. We have an economic situation that has nothing to do with 25 years ago, we can no longer go out and pick and say ‘I want this one, this one, and that one.’ We are not in the same conditions as other clubs with very advantageous economic situations,” said Xavi during the pre-match press conference.

“The Barcelona fans have to understand it. That does not mean that we do not want to compete, but that is Barca’s situation at the moment. We need stability and time, but we will try to compete,” he added later.

FC Barcelona Xavi La Liga Hansi Flick