
Why are some countries more dominant in esports?

Check out the reasons behind the dominance of certain countries in esports, focusing on factors like infrastructure, cultural impact, and investment in gaming talent that contribute to their success.

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In esports, it’s not uncommon to see several players from the same country, even if they are playing on different teams. In fact, there are even multiple teams from the same countries in some cases. This raises the question, why are some countries more dominant in the esports sector?

Are the players simply better? Or is there any other factor that affects the number of players coming from that region or country? In reality, it is a mixture of both. There are multiple factors that when lined together create the perfect environment for gamers to thrive.

What countries are currently the most dominant in esports?

A few of the countries like Denmark, Russia, China, Brazil and the USA are some of the most dominant across the globe. These countries have brought in some of the legends across many games, and all that was possible thanks to a mix of multiple factors.

One thing to note is that all of these factors allow players to grow. This does not mean that they will automatically be great at the game. It is no secret that not everyone is cut out to be a professional gamer. Still, that does not mean they cannot be a part of the esports industry. Multiple other crucial roles catch the eyes of many like casting for tournaments, event hosting and other technical roles that people with interest can go for.

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Here are some of the most important factors -

5. Culture

In places where gaming is generally accepted and encouraged, there is a good chance that more players start gaming and rise to the top in the competitive scene. Having accepted gaming as part of their culture and providing access to it early on helps in building skills for games in any particular game.

Integrating gaming into a culture also leads to more people becoming aware and appreciating the achievements of gamers, further boosting their morale and pushing for even better performance.


4. Ease of access

Access to gaming devices and, better/cheap internet connection are a few of the most important things affecting the number of gamers. The more easily they are available to gamers, the more amount a country will see. Even if they do not have personal devices, having affordable gaming cafés also allows the same.

Getting into gaming from an early age allows players to master the game quite early. It is also one of the reasons why there are so many young players emerging recently. What starts as casual gaming can turn professional at any moment, especially when the players already have a knack for it.

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3. Economic Factors

Another huge factor that gives gamers a push is the economic factor. Are there enough high-stakes tournaments, will they be able to make enough living out of their passion are some of the most common questions that come into anyone’s mind while gaming.

With enough incentives provided, more people will start to consider gaming as a viable career and not something that can be done in their free time. Local tournaments allow players to shine and get scouted in esports organisations, for there they can further dedicate themselves and go even bigger.


2. Exposure

Getting recognized for their efforts is a common demand for anyone, including gamers. Having their wins celebrated across the country also helps motivate others to do the same, creating a competitive environment where players are out to best each other and see their name on top.

Another great way to motivate others is by streaming tournaments across social media platforms. Having this form of exposure also helps players to get scouted across big international esports organizations, which is a dream come true for many players.


1. Government Support

Gaming doesn’t get popular overnight, in-fact a lot of the countries that are currently gaming giants went through the phase of building up their gaming and esports sector. While many countries are now adopting gaming, the ones already advanced in the industry started early on.

Policies and educational programs or training centres by the government helped gamers grow and spark a competitive fire in them. Even if they do not put in this much effort, simple promotions and allowing local tournaments can also help grow the scene.

Also Read: How to choose the best equipment for esports gaming?

Global Esports