WATCH: Team XSpark kick off their BMPS journey with a chicken dinner
Group 3 of BMPS 2024 League Week sees Team XSpark take home the first chicken dinner after taking down all the challengers and other popular teams like Revenant Esports.
Group 3 and 4 commence their run at the BMPS 2024 following an intense two-day stand-off among Groups 1 and 2 and Team XSpark have started their journey with an impressive 26-point chicken dinner among some popular names like Revenant Esports and Blind Esports.
The opening game itself was quite chaotic with each team taking the fight with multiple opponents and somehow, Team XSpark managed to keep all players alive for a long time while also taking down multiple opponents from each fight, forcing them to retreat on multiple occasions.
Team XSpark held on to a strong position in a 3v3v2 situation against JD and Teenager Esports. JD took advantage of the situation, and attacked Teenager Esports to bring the game into the final two but was thoroughly defeated by XSpark who pinned them down in a single spot.
SprayGod took matters into his hands in the opening game to add seven finishers for the team while also taking the match MVP. Sarang also contributed with four finishes, while their latest additions Shadow and Joker also added three and two finishers.
Revenant Esports picking up pace
While Revenant Esports may not have made it into the top three, the team was also a threat to everyone. Securing a total of 9 finishers, if the team had managed to reach the final three, there is no doubt Team XSpark would have faced a rough time securing the chicken dinner.
Here are the final standings for Group 3 after Match 1