After a spree of disappointing runs at the BGMI Masters Series (BGMS) Survival Week, Team SouL have finally found success, albeit due to a clash between two other teams in the final circle. The team had already secured decent finisher points and securing the top spot have given them a good chance to make a recovery.
The final three teams remaining were Gods Reign, Reckoning Esports and Team SouL. Reckoning and Gods Reign were already the top performers of Survival Week and were locked in an intense battle. Both teams saw some grenade exchange and while Reckoning was in a tight spot, they managed to came out on top.
However, it was too late for the team as the duo had left Reckoning with only a single man remaining, HunterZ. With no heals remaining, it was obvious the player was not going to do a 1v3 from outside the zone and simply gave the win to Team SouL.
He also emoted, implying ‘it is what it is’ as he died to the zone damage, denying Team Soul another finish. SouL Joker was also disappointed that Reckoning were not able to face them in a fair fight. A t the end, the team ended match 1 with Seven finishes and the top spot.
Also Read:
Reckoning Esports matches Team SouL
Despite not being able to secure the chicken dinner, Reckoning Esports managed to secure the same amount of points as Team SouL. While they are a chicken dinner shy, fans are hopeful that they will be getting one very soon.
Another commendable performance was from Team Tamilas and Team XSpark. Team Tamilas has also been a dominating force in the Survival Week, however, Team XSpark, who is one of the biggest names at the event was miserable throughout the Survival Week.