BGMS Domination Week Day 1 (Image - Nodwin Gaming)
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The first day for BGMI Masters Series (BGMS) Season 3 Domination Week was as exciting as expected, however, fans also got to witness something strange in the process. The best performing teams across both games secured second spot, with the win going to other teams due to zone advantage.
Reckoning Esports pulled off some impressive fights but were left with now healing items, giving Team SouL an easy win. Similarly, Raven Esports also manage to bag 17 finishers before they were let with a zone disadvantage in a final fight against Entity.
That isn’t to say the winners did not deserve the chicken dinner, after all, they also survived 15 other teams to reach the endgame. Other teams who also displayed a great performance on Day 1 were Team Tamilas and GodLike Esports.
Domination Week at BGMI Masters Series is following a similar format to the Survival Week, in-fact the scores are also progress towards the finals and Playoffs. This leaves the teams that struggled across the Survival Week in a try hard mode if they plan to qualify for finals directly.
However, regardless of the position apart from the top four, there will be no elimination in the League Week. Instead, the bottom 16 teams will be competing in the Playoff that will see the bottom four teams returning home.
Here are the Final Standing after Day 1
Reckoning Esports
176 points
Gods Reign
159 points
Team Tamilas
144 points
Global Esports
143 points
Raven Esports
134 points
Carpe Diem
125 points
Vasista Esports
123 points
Revenant Esports
117 points
Team SouL
113 points
112 points
103 points
Team Forever
100 points
Team Oneblade
93 points
GodLike Esports
91 points
Carnival Gaming
87 points
Team Z
76 points
WSB Gaming
73 points
MOGO Esports
66 points
Team XSpark
64 points
62 points
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