WWE NXT results: Highlights and all winners from June 4

WWE NXT's June 4 show promised Battleground's final build along with significant fallout from last week's dramatic programme. Jordynne Grace would face Stevie Turner in the NXT ring.

Varun Sarwate
New Update

WWE (Source: Bleacher Report)

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WWE NXT's June 4 show promised the Battleground's final build along with significant fallout from last week's dramatic programme. Jordynne Grace, the global champion of TNA Knockouts, would face Stevie Turner in the NXT ring to prepare for her NXT Women's Championship matchup with Roxanne Perez.

Trick Williams hoped to avoid additional theatrics from Noam Dar and Meta-Four but was also bound to reply to the vicious onslaught from "All Ego" Ethan Page. Damon Kemp of No Quarter Catch Crew would face off against Tony D'Angelo to defend the Heritage Cup. 

Fans travelling to Battleground in the UFC Apex would not want to miss this significant event for the gold brand.

1. Stevie Turner vs Jordynne Grace

Stevie Turner attempted to make a statement at the cost of Jordynne Grace, but the TNA Knockouts world champion proved too forceful. The Juggernaut Driver finished clean. Roxanne Perez then confronted Grace but was easily thrown down before The Prodigy slipped out. Unfortunately, NXT couldn't obtain any TNA film to emphasise the title, but the biggest display is still to come at Battleground in a bout that should most likely be the main event. Grace defeated Turner by pinfall.

2. Women's Title Ladder Match Summit of North America 

Booker T attempted to host the ladies' North American Title Ladder Match Summit, but the ladies rapidly took over. Jaida Parker and Fallon Henley interrupted Michin. Kelani Jordan took over and explained why she "needed" this. Sol Ruca attempted to take over the talk, but Lash Legend cut her off. Fighting quickly broke out, prompting Mr Stone to declare a six-woman tag bout for later in the night. Neither of the women revealed anything more about themselves or their characters. The six-woman tag bout alone would have been enough to sustain the ladder match excitement.

3. Jazmyn Nyx vs. Thea 

The Hail was doing well until Duke Hudson and Riley Osborne arrived late (despite their promise not to be at ringside). Jazmyn Nyx grabbed the referee to save herself from a Kimura Lock before connecting with a pele kick for the win. Hail's momentum has dipped following a stunning victory over Jacy Jayne, and the Osborne vs. Ridge Holland spat has further added to the product's negative vibe. Nyx defeated Hail via pinfall. 

4. Josh Briggs is laid down by Shawn Spears, and Je'Von Evans makes him pay.

Backstage, Shawn Spears struck Josh Briggs with a steel chair. Approaching Spears, Je'Von Evans fought him until they were in the ring. With a back body drop off the announce table and a springboard cutter in the ring, The Young OG managed to catch him. Briggs, who is lost in the present booking atmosphere, was the victim of it all. He may, however, fit into this Spears perspective in a couple of different ways that could help him get back on track fighting either for or against the man who beat him down. 

5. Damon Kemp vs Tony D'Angelo

Within the opening minute of the first round, Tony D'Angelo took the lead with the Forget About It. In round four, Damon Kemp was knocked out with a spinebuster as soon as the bell rang. Perhaps it's time to assign Williams Regal to lead this team. D'Angelo wins the Heritage Cup after defeating Kemp two falls to zero.

6. Izzi Dame vs. Natalya (with Karmen Petrovic) 

Karmen Petrovic emerged from the weekend with a walking stick as a result of an injury. Petrovic was replaced in the contest by Natalya. Despite confidently flinging Natalya around, Dame was still caught with a roll-up for three. The Queen of Harts has mostly kept her tale in NXT separate from her Raw persona, so it was strange to see her emerge victorious only one day after she declared on Raw that she wanted a change. Dame lost against Natalya via pinfall. 

7. Gallus Makes a Protest at Wes Lee and Oba Femi's Cost 

Joe Coffey, Mark Coffey, and Wolfgang defeated Tyriek Igwe and Tyson Dupont before an upcoming tag bout before promising to seize the NXT North American Championship. This was by far the strongest portion for building this triple threat match thus far. This match needs it because it appears to be the least consequential on the Battleground card. 

8. Fallon Henley, Kelani Jordan, and Lash Legend vs Sol Ruca, Michin, and Jaida Parker 

The action broke down after some excellent tag teamwork, and Sol Ruca won with a Sol Snatcher on Lash Legend. Legend's pin in this bout might imply that she will come back by winning the championship, especially considering Trick Williams and Legend finishing Battleground on top with gold would be an amazing sight. Ruca, Michin, and Parker defeated Legend, Henley, and Jordan via pinfall. 

9. Ethan Page Secures an NXT Championship Match and Signs His NXT Contract 

"All Ego" Ethan Page stood true to his reputation, seeking a higher deal than anybody in NXT and promising to replace all of the talents selected in the WWE Draft. Anyone else would undoubtedly fall to Trick this early in his title reign, but Page may be an insurmountable obstacle. 

10. Final show 

Past an understated start with Jordynne Grace's strong debut, this programme faltered in the first hour before picking up hugely in the second. However, with Grace likely finished after Battleground, the weaker builds in NXT will require a significant boost following the premium live event.