Paul Heyman gives memorable speech upon getting inducted to WWE Hall of Fame of class 2024

WWE: Paul Heyman was the first inductee to the WWE Hall of Fame of class 2024. His speech was filled with humor, emotion, and inspiration. The wise man recalled about a lot of things.

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Paul Heyman

Paul Heyman (Source: X)

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Paul Heyman has been inducted to the WWE Hall of Fame of Class 2024. The great manager was inducted to the elite class by the tribal chief, Roman Reigns. The Undisputed WWE Universal Champion welcomed the advocate with a speech which he regarded to be ridiculous considering the situation ahead of WrestleMania XL. Paul Heyman entered for his music and was welcomed by the fans.

There were chants of 'ECW' all over, as Heyman entered the stage. He gave a memorable speech which covered a lot of aspects. Heyman first hugged Rob Van Dam on his way to the stage. The wise man addressed a lot of people and events that changed his life. It included many of the WWE Superstars whom he represented and is currently representing.

Paul addressed the likes of Roman Reigns, CM Punk, Seth Rollins, Cody Rhodes, Triple H, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Rob Van Dam, the Dudley Boyz, Charlotte Flair, Stephanie McMahon, Becky Lynch, Brock Lesnar, and many others in his speech. He recalled of many events which led to his existence currently. As the crowd chanted 'You deserve it', Paul acknowledged it saying he definitely did. 

Paul Heyman's memorable speech

In his speech, Paul talked about the events that were key in his career. He recalled of the days of WCW, ECW, and as a counsellor to Brock Lesnar and many others. The wise man talked about ECW and wore the costumes of his days in the company he found. Heyman claimed that ECW is not a dead company and added that the idea is being carried out in the Wrestling fraternity. 

Heyman claimed that he was cancelled a lot in the past but came back roaring every time. The wise man added that he would continue to be the legend he is and would only get better with age. Paul had a message for his children and asked them to be the best version of themselves. Paul claimed that he cannot be cancelled and asked people to stay strong when being cancelled. 

WWE Roman Reigns