Cody Rhodes as heel - Scenarios, Opponents, and more

WWE: The Undertaker spoke about the possibility of Cody Rhodes turning heel. Here are the possible scenarios and opponents during the heel turn of the American Nightmare.

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Cody Rhodes (Sources: WWE)

Cody Rhodes as heel - Scenarios, Opponents, and more (Source: X)

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In an interview which took place recently, The Undertaker was asked about the title reign of Cody Rhodes. The deadman played a key role in Cody finishing his story himself. While the American Badass felt Cody's title run as a face was brilliant so far, he expected Rhodes' heel turn to turn out to be exceptional. That brings us to the current discussion.

When is Cody turning heel? As things are currently, it seems unlikely that his heel turn in the near future. Until WrestleMania XL, as he is likely to face The Rock in a title vs title match in Las Vegas. However, if Cody is going to turn heel, it will be after that. By then, the fans would be asking for a heel turn from the world champion.

There is already a popular opinion among the fans regarding his title reign. Many feel it's boring with lack of credible opponents. But his heel turn is not near. He could turn out to play a negative character after WrestleMania XL. By then, Roman Reigns would be a babyface in all likelihood. Considering the long-term storyline, Roman could be an opponent of Rhodes.

Possible opponents of Cody Rhodes during heel-turn

The duo could have a rematch for WrestleMania XL in the days to come. During Summerslam 2025, it could materialize. But this time, the roles could be changed, as Cody would be the heel and Roman the face. Barring Reigns, the other potential candidates to challenge Rhodes might be John Cena and CM Punk. There are reasons behind it.

After WrestleMania XL, Cena confirmed that he would have one final run in WWE before retiring. A good way of sending him off would be by having credible opponents. Cody would be the biggest heel at the time. No better way to book him against the biggest face of all time. In the feud, Cena's win could lead to his ultimate WrestleMania match against Randy Orton.

CM Punk, before Royal Rumble 2024, had a bit of a faceoff where the duo exchanged some interesting conversations. If WWE can build on it, there can be a brilliant feud. There might also be a case in which Rhodes will face Orton. But that's likely to happen soon with Cody still being the face. 

WWE Roman Reigns cm punk The Rock Cody Rhodes John Cena