Mercedes Mone overcomes Willow Nightingale to win TBS Championship

Pro Wrestling: Mercedes Mone overcame Willow Nightingale to win the AEW TBS Championship. She claimed a win via pinfall by delivering a Mone Maker to the champion.

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Mercedes Mone

Mercedes Mone (Source: X)

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Mercedes Mone claimed a win over Williow Nightingale in AEW Double or Nothing. The CEO of AEW became the TBS Champion after a good match. Nightingale promised to give Mone a lifetime experience to the challenger in the event. It seemed like Mine was not ready to take on Willow straightaway. Hence, she avoided to take on the champion for the first few seconds.

The CEO played toru yano and hiding with Willow by staying outside the ring. As Nightingale got angry, Mone took a cheap shot and delivered an elbow which was reversed by Nightingale. Mine was chased outside the ring by Willow. The duo was finally back in the ring. Mone delivered rising knee from the apron and followed it up with slingshot arm drag.

Mercedes later delivered springboard LA casadora arm drag and attempted a crucifix pin. As Willow kicked out at two, Mine slappeed her. Mercedes hurt the ankle of Willow and targeted it for the rest of the match. The duo exchanged chops and entertained the crowd. Mone tried to recover herself and moved out of the target. Willow was right at Mone and gave her no room for recovery.

New champion crowned

Willow delivered a back splash and Mine returned with a slap. Nightingale soon returned with a spineburster. Mercedes took the control of the match from there. She delivered some pretty moves and attempted to claim a win via pinfall. But Willow kicked out at two on each attempt. A frustrated Mone screamed and aimed at finishing the match. Willow did not give up and post a tough fight.

Mone got more frustrated and signalled to finish the match. She delivered Mone Maker and pinned Willow to claim a win. A great championship reign of Willow came to and end. After the match, Stokely Hathaway yelled at Nightingale for the loss. Initially, Kris Stathlander seemed to offer arms. Later on, Willow gets attacked by Kris who broke the friendship bracelet. Stoke was laughing at the incident which wasn't liked by the crowd.

AEW Double or Nothing