Premier League football to scrap VAR after clubs vote against technology

The West London club believes VAR was implemented "in good faith," but it has resulted in "numerous unintended negative consequences that are harming the relationship between fans and football."

Anirban Bose
New Update
Premier League football to scrap VAR

Premier League football to scrap VAR (Source- Twitter)

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The English Premier League 2023/24 season is at the business end with two teams still competing for the title race, Manchester City and Arsenal will be up on the last day to become the champions of England. The game has evolved over the years and has seen new developments as well. With Video Assistant Referee (VAR), the job of the referees has been much more easier, but the technology has its cons as well. 

There have been some controversial decisions in the game that have left some sides suffering in the league and various other tournaments worldwide. The PL clubs will decide on eliminating VAR from the beginning of next season at their annual general meeting (AGM) next month on June 6. The movement about the same has already been initiated by some of the clubs. With Wolverhampton Wanderers better known as Wolves, have formally submitted a resolution, leading to a vote when the 20 member clubs meet at the AGM. 

The West London club believes VAR was implemented "in good faith," but it has resulted in "numerous unintended negative consequences that are harming the relationship between fans and football." The technology was introduced back in 2019 to help on-field officials with important decisions in the match. But recently there has been scrutiny after several controversial incidents involving the technology this season. 

Wolves said, 

It is time for a constructive and critical debate on its future: Wolves

Wolves said in a statement, "However, after five seasons of VAR in the Premier League, it is time for a constructive and critical debate on its future. Our position is that the price we are paying for a small increase in accuracy is at odds with the spirit of our game, and as a result, we should remove it from the 2024/25 season onwards." 

Some PL officials believe that the removal of the VAR would seriously impact, and might harm the reputation of the best league in world football and would mean no semi-automated offsides or in-stadium announcements to the crowd that the top league is pushing hard for. 

English Premier League