
WATCH: Carnival Gaming Neyo strike Fear among Team Soul

Neyo secures his second team wipe at BGMS Domination Week, this time against Team Soul after an intense 1v3 clutch that made fans call him the GOAT.

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CG Neyo

Neyo wipes Team Soul at BGMS Domination Week (Image - Instagram)

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Once again, Neyo has single-handedly sent an entire team running. The opening match for BGMS Domination Week Day 4 saw Carnival Gaming Neyo in another intense clutch moment, this time it was against Team Soul who decided to give up to avoid early elimination.


As Carnival Gaming was heading back in the zone for Hector while Team Soul engaged them for some easy finisher points. Soul managed to cut off Spower and managed to take him down leaving Neyo alone among wolves.

Saumay, the latest addition to Team Soul chased Neyo and after a few grenade exchanges, Neyo rushed the player and managed to take him down. However, by the time, the remaining players from Soul were ready to rush him down.

Nakul and Rony tired to push but were met with a well times grenade that took them both down, with Neyo adding two more finishers to his name. With only Manay remaining and the entire plan of Team Soul backfiring, the IGL decided to back off and not give him another 1v4 clutch.

Neyo still secure a team wipe against Soul

With Manay leaving the fight, many though it was over a Neyo was denied a 1v4, however, as the old saying goes ‘you can run, but you can’t hide’, Neyo later on found Manay during the endgame and was able to complete the team wipe despite not getting that 1v4 clutch.

Soul Vs Carnival Gaming

This left the fans amazed and were calling him an underrated player, and the new GOAT of BGMI. Fans also mentioned the previous clutch, with one saying, “Owner of tz now owner of soul,” while another said, “Nightmare of soul and tz”.

Also Watch: Carnival Gaming’s Neyo secure 1v4 clutch against ScoutOP’s team

BGMI fans who have been keeping up with the tournament have already witnessed Neyo’s skills recently against ScoutOP and his Team Z. With a single pistol, Neyo sent the entire team back to the lobby in an insane 1v4 clutch. This was called as the best moment for BGMS Season 3 and the current one is lining up for second.
