
Team Soul disappoints fans with a sub-par performance at BGIS 2024 Grand Finals

Team IQOO Soul had a great start at BGIS 2024 Grand Finals which took a massive dip as the tournament went on, resulting in the team failing to secure the championship.

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IQOO Soul at BGIS 2024 Grand Finals (Source - Mortal)

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Team Soul started out BGIS 2024 Grand Finals Day 1 great, but had a disappointing run and by disappointing we mean that despite the player putting in efforts, it was a mixture of bad luck and some questionable decisions.

Many would think luck wouldn’t play that much of a role, but it can be a big factor. And if we are being brutally honest, Team XSpark, our BGIS 2024 Champions also got a bit lucky in the final match where Global Esports weren’t able to put out as much impact to snag the championship crown.

This does not undermine the skills of the team and the players, as they still managed a respectable fourth spot while also creating new records at BGIS 2024. Today we will have a look at some small, yet impactful factors that prevent the team from reaching the top.

Multiple Third-Party encounters

The team was stuck between some bad situations and were left fighting multiple teams. In esports, we have a term for that called getting sandwiched. This usually happens when a team is stuck between two other teams.

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There were multiple instances of zones that pushed Team Soul into the middle of a firefight, while the teams also got a third party that made them fight on two fronts at once at some crucial moments, which is bad for any team. Sure there were multiple other teams in the same situation, after all, everyone was looking to take advantage, but for Team Soul, it had the most effect as it prevented them from securing position points after acquiring multiple finishes.

Some questionable decisions and fights by the team

There were a few fights that Team Soul took which seemed to be a bit off, especially on Day 2 and 3. Some of the fights could have been much better. There were some instances where the team could have positioned themselves for a better fight.

In one of the matches in Sanhok, Team Soul came out on top of Carnival Gaming only to face Team Limra who took down one of the team members. At the time, the team had five finishes and instead of saving the downed player, the other two could have retreated instead of taking a 2v4 fight.

All of these moments combined prevented the team from making it big at the BGIS 2024 Grand Finals. While these mistakes weren’t necessarily big of Team Soul’s fault, it did affect them the most.
