
Orangutan Gaming closes BMPS Group 2 matches with their first win

Orangutan Gaming activates in the second day of BMPS 2024 Group 2 matches to make an insane comeback and climb on second spot of the leaderboard.

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Orangutan Gaming BMPS 2024

Orangutan Gaming BMPS 2024 (Image - X)

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An intense fight with WSB Gaming and CG Goblin surviving in the sidelines leads to Orangutan Gaming’s first chicken dinner for the day while also closing out the Group 2 matches at BMPS 2024. A great performance from Orangutan overall leads to the team landing right next to Carnival Gaming on the leaderboard.

The team took a final stand against WSB Gaming, who also have a great tract record in the past six matches. With the zone favouring OG, WSB were forced to leave cover to make the first move, however, it did not work out and ultimately resulted in their loss.

Goblin, who was planning for a heal battle, tried to take make use of the situation, but the damaged to OG was minimal and resulted in a failed attempt from the player. Group 2 matches have been quite ruthless overall, leaving the new teams with minimal chance for recovery.

Also Watch: Carnival Gaming Dominate Group 2 at BMPS 2024

Carnival Gaming holds on to the top spot

A huge 24 point chicken dinner in the second match had a major hand in bumping the score for Carnival gaming. Followed by a second spot with 10 finishers in the closing match have made the team into an unstoppable force with an all over score of 82 points.

Once again, GodLike Esports did not get a chance to shine, however, the team did make some progress in their ranks even if it's minimal. With Group 2 matches complete, It remains to be seen if Team Soul or anyone else from Group 1 is able to beat the record.

As of now, both Soul and Hyderabad Hydras are looking like a competitor, but in the background, Alibaba Raiders and TWOB is also making slow progress and may catch up soon.
