How to monetize your esports passion?

Esports is a universally loved space with many talented players across the globe, so what's the best way to make your hobby a living, let's check out.

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Esports nowadays provide a great option for passionate players to earn a living while playing games, which can be a dream come true for most gamers. Esports is a multi-billion dollar industry, surpassing both the movie and music industry together.

There are many big names in the esports industry that earn millions each year utilizing their gaming skills. The entry barrier in professional gaming is also not restricted. 

Here are some of the ways you can earn money through esports -

5. Tournament organizer

While an expensive one, organizing tournaments can also turn out to be profitable. The esports event is usually sponsored by many companies joining hands. Earning for the tournament organizers mainly comes through the sale of tickets, merchandise and other things.

As a new organizer, people will need to start from low-tier events that include local teams and don’t require much to host. Furthermore, the popularity of the event will help it grow and bring in sponsors for large-scale events.

4. Writing about video games and esports

People who love to follow esports and like writing at the same time may sit very well with Esports Journalism, as they get to enjoy different video game tournaments while also being able to interview pros alongside various other people and write about it.

The job doesn’t necessarily have to be journalism, as people can also work on preparing guides, writing reviews, breakdown analysis of tournament matches and other things they prefer while still having a lot of fun and earning money at the same time.

3. Coaching

Coaching might not be for everyone, as it requires players to have at least a short list of achievements. However, once someone gets in, they get to train their own team, which can be quite fun. Players can also share their tricks with other aspiring gamers, which the team or player can use against their opponents.

If coaching a professional team is not your thing, players can often teach people who want to become better. A great example is the new Counter-Strike coaching course by one of the top players s1mple. Players can take the same approach to earning money for themselves

2. Streaming and content creation

One of the most popular ways to monetize your passion for esports, players can start showing off their skills to an audience through live-streaming. Players can either make a name for themselves and then start streaming or, if they are confident in their skills, they can start right away. The better the gameplay, the chances are, more people will stop by to see you play.

Alternatively, players who cannot stream just yet can start content creation around the same theme. Uploading well-edited videos and shorts can go viral, leading people to search your profile and potentially creating fans who will tune in to watch your stream.

1. Professional Gaming

Possibly the best way a talented individual can utilize their gaming skills, Professional Gaming, is the first choice that comes to anyone’s mind when they think of making money via esports. Do remember that in order to make it big, players need to have the required skill in a particular game. This can be hard as there are many more in the line aiming for the same thing.

In order to become a pro gamer for a team, players first need to give tryouts during scrims or make a name for themselves in local tournaments. Even if the players do not succeed in the first attempt, they can try again in another organization. There is no limit on how many teams a person can give tryouts for.
