
Esports: Revealing the secrets of successful teams

Read to find out the winning strategies and essential elements that contribute to the success of esports teams only on Sportsinfo

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E-sports has created its gaming universe, which has been very successful in this era. Initially, e-sports have been very popular in East Asian countries beginning with China and South Korea. Gradually, the popularity of e-sports has spread across the world in recent times. To become successful in esports, a team first needs to master the game itself. There are several factors that affect the performance of the team and ultimately those who get a hold of as many of them are able to succeed in their game.

Here are some important pointers to every team to follow to become successful in the esports industry:

1. Teamwork

Building a chemistry with your fellow teammates is a very important step toward better teamwork. It is not something that can be done in days or weeks. Many high tire teams have been playing together for a very long time and know exactly what their teammates are thinking of doing. Furthermore, players can communicate properly to give callouts and are also able to understand what others expect them to do.

2. Ability to Adapt

Esports is a dynamic and ever-evolving market. Many teams are joining the pro scene, some of which have their own play style. The game is also being updated regularly, bringing in a ton of balance and meta changes. In order for a top-tier team to keep their spot and stay relevant, they also need to adapt according to these changes. Teams need to change their style of play from time to time to become less predictable and need to do the same quickly during an ongoing tournament.

 3. Consistency

Being consistent here means each player dedicating time to improve individual and team skills. Regular practice sessions with the team and taking part in various tournaments help the players to analyse and improve their shortcomings. The team also needs to try and keep up a good ranking in these tournaments, even if they are not able to win. This way, they can analyse and find out where they are lacking behind its competition and further improve upon it.

 4. Players

A team is as good as its weakest player, as individual performance is as important as team performance. Not everyone on the team can perform every time. However, what they can do in that situation is support their teammates. Having the best players will likely not make any team the best in existence. Each player will ultimately have to work together with others while also giving their individual best during matches.

5. A good coach

Having an experienced coach is a huge plus to any team, as they can make it easier for players to understand what they are doing wrong. A coach can help the team to come up with new strategies and improve the team coordination that might lead the team to victory.

They also analyse the play style of opponent teams and develop countermeasures for their own ahead of matches. In case the team is felling low after losing matches in tournaments, coaches also provide mental support to team members, enabling them to give their best in future.

6. Competitive Mindset

The best esports teams are currently taking the competition very seriously. To succeed, the players first need to have a passion for it. However, an important thing to remember is that a player cannot be greedy to become successful alone in a team-based game.

Each player of the team should aim to win through combined teamwork while giving their best. This is how the top teams can always retain their spot in every game.

 7. In-game leader

Much like the coach, the in-game leader also has a more important job. Coaches are not allowed to speak during an ongoing match unless there is a timeout. The IGL for any team needs to keep a cool head and act and the on-field coach during the match and guides their teams.

They are required to make a split-second decision on a regular basis and come up with a different strategy against opponents if something is not working. An IGL is also expected to keep the team morale up in dire situations.

 8. A good organization

Teams giving their best means nothing if the organization is not supporting them properly. This includes both financial and mental backup. The org can also help the players to feel at home while maintaining a professional environment. This will help the team to give their best and bounce back from tough situations.

