The long-running League Week for BGMI Masters Series (BGMS) concludes with Entity taking home the final chicken dinner with a decent amount of points. Over the course of two weeks, the team have faced multiple upsets as well as few successful runs which sadly prevented the team from reaching the top four.
Entity remained just a handful of points away of reaching the top four. This was likely due to their passive approach in the last game, as the team played it too safe. The team spent too much time gearing up which eliminated the chance of securing early finishers.
The team managed to secure seven finishers before coming face against Tea, Oneblade in a 2v2. Impact place for Entity Saumraj managed to take down both players. Despite getting the win, Carpe Diem, Team Oneblade managed to soar ahead.
Carpe Diem also managed to make it to the top alongside Reckoning Esports, Global Esports and Gods Reign. All of these teams have secured finals and will not have to compete in the Playoffs. Team Tamilas also made a good effort but remained a few points shy.
Also Watch: Team Tamils take second game of BGMS Impact Weekend despite best effort by Soul Manya
Disappointing performance from 8Bit and Team XSpark
Perhaps, one of the most disappointing outcomes came from Team XSpark and 8Bit, who never had any dominating impact and were only left with small moments of Glory. With new ways to gain points, booth teams failed to adapt on time. Paired with weaker gun fights, the teams failed to take full advantage of different scenarios.
Both teams will now move to the Playoffs and will be competing against 14 other teams. Fans hope that they have finally got a grip on the situation and will perform much better under the pressure of elimination. The Playoffs will see some of the most cut-throat challenges as teams fight to make it into the finals across two match days.