
WATCH: Hilarious video of Red Bull driver Sergio Perez sneezing while driving goes viral on social media

Formula 1 drivers face numerous challenges on the track, and one surprising hurdle is sneezing. One notable instance was when Sergio Perez faced an allergy.

Shubham Shekhar
New Update
Sergio Perez

Sergio Perez (Source: X)

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Formula 1 drivers face numerous challenges on the track, and one surprising hurdle is sneezing. Yes, F1 drivers do sneeze while driving. This seemingly mundane activity can pose significant risks when you're navigating a vehicle at speeds exceeding 300 km/h.

One notable instance was when Sergio Perez sneezed during the 2022 Hungarian Grand Prix, a moment caught on camera and shared widely by Formula 1 fans. Sneezing while driving a Formula 1 car can be perilous.

Here is the video:

Even a brief distraction can lead to catastrophic consequences, considering the precision and concentration required to handle these high-speed machines. The momentary lapse in focus can affect the driver's control over the car, potentially leading to dangerous situations.

How do F1 drivers avoid sneezing while driving?

To mitigate the risk of sneezing, F1 drivers employ several strategies. These techniques are not often discussed, but they play a crucial role in ensuring the drivers' safety and performance.

- Antihistamines: Some drivers take antihistamine medications before a race if they are prone to allergies. These medications help reduce the likelihood of sneezing by alleviating allergy symptoms.

- Special Breathing Techniques: Deep breathing exercises and controlled breathing patterns can sometimes suppress the urge to sneeze. Drivers may practice these techniques to maintain their focus and avoid sneezing.

- Presence of Mind: Staying present and focused is essential for F1 drivers. Mindfulness techniques help them remain calm and composed, reducing the chance of sneezing due to sudden external stimuli.

- Precaution Measures: Avoiding known allergens or strong smells that can trigger sneezing is another precautionary step. The controlled environment of an F1 cockpit helps minimize exposure to such triggers.

- Quick Reactions: In cases where a sneeze is unavoidable, drivers rely on their quick reflexes to manage the situation safely. Maintaining control of the car during a sneeze requires exceptional concentration and skill.

The cockpit of a Formula 1 car is designed to be a highly controlled environment, yet sneezing is an unpredictable event that drivers must be prepared to handle. Extensive training and experience equip F1 drivers to manage such challenges, ensuring their safety and that of their fellow competitors.

Also Check: Who are the last five race winners of the Hungarian Grand Prix?

As the 2024 Hungarian Grand Prix approaches, fans are reminded of the myriad challenges drivers face beyond the obvious physical and technical demands. This race, scheduled for the weekend of July 19-21, will test drivers' skills on a track known for its sharp corners and strategic demands.  

Formula 1 Hungarian Grand Prix Sergio Perez