Top 5 Replacements for Marc Marquez in Gresini

Marc Marquez Replacement: Here is the list of five riders who could replace Marc Marquez in the Gresini Racing team for the MotoGP 2024 season, only on

Aiman Sharma
New Update
marc marquez

Marc Marquez (Source- Getty images)

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The MOTO GP has been going well this season and we are enjoying some great races this season, especially from the Ducati teams. The Ducati constructors are still leading the rankings and are on a roll this season where their drivers are performing well and their vehicles look good.

The Gresini team is right now in the talks as they will be looking for a new rider due to their first choice rider Marc Marquez being promoted to the factory team in the following season. This means that Gresini will have a job on their hands as they will be looking for the perfect rider to replace the 6-time Moto GP champion for the upcoming season.

So, here are the top 5 riders that can replace Marc Marquez in the Gresini team:

5. Joan Mir

The 2020 Moto GP champion has not been in the best of form this season and might not be having the best season of his life. After moving to Repsol Honda from Suzuki it has not been a great time for Mir and he will be hoping to make a move with Gresini needing an experienced rider as well. This would also be a great opportunity for the Spaniard to rediscover his form and get back to winning big races.

4. Franco Morbidelli

Prima Pramac has been one of the top teams for Ducati and has been having a great season with Jorge Martin and Italian Franco Morbidelli leading the charge. However, with Jorge Martin wishing to move to Aprilla and Morbidelli's contract getting over, this will be a chance for Gresini to get the Italian among their ranks. He will really be the perfect replacement in the setup and make sure he gives some great performances. The 2017 Moto GP winner will be a great addition to the squad.

3. Alex Rins

Alex Rins has spent most of his career with Yamaha and has still given great performances despite not having the best vehicles in the sport. The Spanish motorcyclist will be looking forward to competing with some top-quality cars in the upcoming season with his contract expiring as well. Gresini will be a great opportunity for Rins to showcase his talent and racing ability and also get his chance to maybe win a championship in the future.

2. Augusto Fernandez

There might be a time when Gresini would want to look out for a young talented rider in the mix and there can be no one better than Augusto Fernandez. With the KTM factory being full, it means that the young driver who has had great performances in Moto 2 will be looking forward to joining a world-class team, and Gresini could be the way to go for him. This will really be a great opportunity for the 26-year-old where he can probably reach his peak performance.

1. Fermin Aldeuger

Speaking of upcoming young talent, the best option for Gresini will be the 19-year-old Fermin Aldeuger who has still not been signed to a specific team yet. He has had a great season in 2023 and Gresini might want to get a hold of Fermin completely. The young rider could be groomed to be their next big star and seeing what he has achieved, it will not be surprising that he will be in high demand in the upcoming season.






MOTOGP Marc Marquez